Gear Checking National Rules 2025

The main objective of Pony Club WA Gear Checking is to ensure the Safety of the Rider and Comfort of the Horse.

Gear Checking Manual by Sections:

Foreword and Introduction
Section 1- Rules
Section 2 – Guidelines
Section 3 – Process
Section 4 – Forms and Templates
Section 5 – Precis
Section 6 – Accreditation Process and Forms
National Gear Rules Addendum to 2022-Edition
Reference Tool – 2025 PCWA Gear Check Manual
Club/Zone Uniforms

To purchase a hard copy of these guidelines please visit

For information on the Gear Checking Advisory Panel, Currently Accredited Gear Checkers or becoming an accredited Gear Checker see the Coaches and Officials page 


All Riders should follow the below steps when querying an item of gear or the use of.

  • Step 1 – Read the Pony Club WA Gear Checking Guidelines (contained in the Gear Checking Manual).
  • Step 2 – Ask your Club Coaches
  • Step 3 – Ask your Zone Coach Coordinator
  • Step 4 – Ask the Gear Checking Advisory Panel


An exemption is a form of authorisation that Pony Club WA and Pony Club Australia offers a member to participate in Pony Club WA, when their circumstances prevent them from complying with our Gear Checking Rules.

Who can apply for an Exemption?

Any Pony Club WA member is entitled to submit an exemption request.  The rider / parent must systematically go through the process outlined in the Online Exemption Application Form.


Memo’s and Information Documents

Mandatory Gear Checking Requirements

Helmet Standards and Inspections

Approved Photographers

All photographers wishing to photograph at Pony Club Events are required to apply to be on the Pony Club WA Approved Photographers List.


Pony Club WA – Approved Photographers List 2024

Approved Photographers Application – 2025 Online Form

Clubs and Zones can nominate members for a position on a State Sports Committee at any time of the year.

Please visit the State Committees Page for all the information and forms for nomination – Click Here

2020 Sports Committee Nomination Form – Click Here

This form is for current club members. Nominated Committee members must be a current member of a club affiliated with Pony Club WA whose nomination is approved by their. Membership may be Associate, Adult, Coaching or Life Member but must be current for the start of the Committee Term. For more information please Click Here

2020 Sports Appointed Member Form – Click Here

Appointed members are persons who are not members of Pony Club WA but possess relevant skills and experience that will assist the Committee in carrying out its responsibilities (e.g. technical knowledge of the sport, financial expertise, committee governance experience, event management experience etc.) For more information please Click Here

Terms of Reference Committees

The Pony Club Australia syllabus is the first in the world to incorporate Equitation Science in an education program for riders. Pony Club Australia believes that using this evidence-based learning system is the best for rider safety and animal welfare. The syllabus is delivered in certificate modules with a manual and practical instruction from accredited coaches at our clubs and centres across Australia.

PCA Syllabus of Instruction

2021 Orientation to Pony Club. – Powerpoint

Powerpoint resource for clubs.

Presentation outlines:

Topic 1 – Administration
Topic 2 – Rallies
Topic 3 – Certificates and Competitions
Topic 4 – Volunteer Pathways

Risk management is all about being aware of what may happen as you go about your business and taking steps to limit the chances of something going wrong, or deciding that you accept that something may occur and that you are prepared for the consequences.

The emphasis is now on organisations taking a structured approach to risk
management to demonstrate to insurers and others that you have a transparent process which shows how you have identified risks, reached a decision whether to accept or not to accept certain risks, and how you will manage those risks.

Pony Club WA has detailed policies, rules and regulations that govern the way in which pony club events and activities are conducted in WA.

These, by their very nature, have inherent risk management elements as they put in place measures and requirements that control the way the pony club activities are conducted. It is a vital part of any risk management procedure. It is imperative that all concerned are fully aware of the requirements and that any rules and regulations are strictly adhered.

Gow-Gates Risk Management Guidelines

Risk Assessment Tool

Gow Gates Event Checklist

Crisis Management Plan

Logo Branding

Before the use of Pony Club WA’s logo please contact for the correct use of item:

Pony Club WA Logo.png

Pony Club WA logo.jpeg

Pony Club WA logo.pdf

Should you require a white text logo please email

Child Safe Sport Framework

Pony Club WA is committed to the safety and well-being of all children and young people who participate in our sport or access our services.  We support the rights of the child and will act at all times to ensure that a child-safe environment is maintained.

We acknowledge the valuable contribution made by our staff, members and volunteers and we encourage their active participation in providing a safe, fair and inclusive environment for all participants.

The Pony Club WA Member Protection Policy outlines the Association’s position on:

  • Child Protection
  • Taking Images of Children
  • Anti-Discrimination and Harassment
  • Intimate relationships
  • Pregnancy
  • Gender identity
  • Responsible Service and Consumption of Alcohol
  • Smoke-Free Environment
  • Bullying
  • Social Networking

PCA CHILD SAFETY Statement of Commitment

PCA CHILD SAFETY Code of conduct

Mandatory Reporting Requirements

If you believe a child is in immediate danger or a life-threatening situation, contact the Police immediately on 000.

Fact sheets on reporting allegations of child abuse in different states and territories are available here.

Pony Club WA will treat any allegation of child abuse or neglect promptly, seriously and with a high degree of sensitivity.

All people working with Pony Club WA in a paid or unpaid capacity have a duty to report any concerns to the appropriate authorities, following the steps outlined inAppendix 1 of the Member Protection Policy: Procedure for Handling Allegations of Child Abuse

Resources for Clubs, Coaches and Parents

Pony Club Rallies

One of the main objectives of pony club is to encourage and improve horsemanship and horse care in its riding members, therefore the Working rally is the backbone of the Pony Club Movement. It is by such rallies the Aims and Objectives of the pony club movement are best carried out.

The Club Chief Coach is responsible for the club’s coaching program and the safe implementation of the current PCA Syllabus of Instruction.

All rally dates are arranged by the Club Committee, recorded and minuted by the secretary and notified and open to all financial members.  No person shall conduct a rally or coach at a rally unless authorised by the Club Committee and the Club Chief Coach.

Working Rally Definition

A WORKING RALLY is a rally to which all financial members are eligible to attend and where coaching from the current Pony Club Australia Syllabus of Instruction is given – e.g. flatwork, jumping, horse care, general knowledge and active riding, e.g. games, polocrosse, vaulting.  A Working Rally is generally a minimum of three (3) hours of instruction in duration, with lesson times varied to reflect the ages / level of riders, weather and other factors. A riding member can expect two (2) or three (3) ridden (flatwork, jumping, active riding) sessions and at least one unmounted horse care session

Visiting Rallies

Horse and rider combinations may attend Working Rallies at a club other than their own financial Club, which must be notified too and agreed by the rider’s Club Chief Coach and the Chief Coach of the club they are visiting.

A member may not be a visiting rider more than twice in any calendar year unless an exemption is applied for through the State Coaching Panel on the appropriate form.

Visiting Rally Exemption Form

Visiting Rally Attendance Form

Special Mounted Rallies

These can be a club outing to a different venue when the whole expedition is a learning experience for all. Examples are, but not limited to, trips to the beach, farms or forest trail rides.

Unmounted Rallies

These can be of great value and are generally devoted to horse care. These lectures provide practical knowledge and experience and can be delivered by experts in the field or experienced coaches on horse ailments and their treatments (vets), fitting and care of saddlery (saddle fitters), shoeing & trimming (farrier) grooming, feeding, stable management and other aspects of horse care, Landcare, vaulting and many other equestrian related topics.

State Squad Days as Visiting Rallies 

Pony Club WA State Squad Days are planned by the relevant Sport Discipline Committee and conducted under the definition of a working rally.  Only one State Squad Day per year may be claimed as a visiting Rally. 

State Training Days as Working Rallies

If a State Training Day takes place on a normal club rally day, then the rider attending the Training Day may be granted one Working Rally. Only one State Training Day per year may be claimed as a Working Rally.

State Training Days are defined as State Squad Days as acknowledged by the relevant Sport Committee in relation to PCA National Championships.

State Schools as Working Rallies

Mounted attendance at a State C/ C*/K/B/H/A Development School can be used as one Working Rally over a 12-month period.

Camps as Working Rallies

Club / Zone Pony Club Camps consisting of one or two-day duration is counted as ONE (1) Working Rally ONLY.

Senior Riders ONLY, are permitted to count 2-3 day camps as TWO (2) Working Rallies as long as they are participating (riding or coaching) all day at camp as set out in 2.2.

Rally Qualification Requirements

Where qualifications for pony club activities are required such as national/state/zone competition or Proficiency Certificate assessments, the riding member and horse combination must:

1.1 attend a minimum of three hours at three separate Working Rallies within the 12-month period required by the event or competition, two of which must be at the club at which they are a member; and

1.2 participate in at least one ridden session at each Working Rally.

1.3 if riding two horses at a Working Rally, participate in at least one ridden session on each horse.

A maximum of two horses/ponies may be ridden by one rider at any Working Rally

Rally Qualification Requirements for a Senior Riding Member

As above, the Senior Riding Member and horse combination must attend a minimum of three hours at three separate Working Rallies (as set out in 1.2 and 1.3 in this document or General Regulations 1.1ii and 1.1iii) within the 12-month period required by the event or competition, two of which must be at the club at which they are a member,


A Senior Riding Member can attend a minimum of three hours at two separate Working Rallies within the 12-month period required by the event or competition, one of which must be at the club at which they are a member provided at least one of the following conditions has been satisfied:

2.1 the Senior Riding Member holds their C*/K or above Certificate;

2.2 the Senior Riding Member has provided coaching instruction for at least three hours at a minimum of one Working Rally (in addition to attending 2 Working Rallies as a riding member as above) or

2.3 the Senior Riding Member has provided other regular service to their club or Pony Club WA (i.e. Club Executive, Zone Representative, State Sport Committee) over the required prior 12-month period.

A Senior Riding Member can qualify a maximum of 2 horses.

Senior Riders qualifying under option 2.1, 2.2 or 2.3 must be agreed to and signed off by a Club Chief Coach and a member of Club Executive, provided that the qualifying mount(s) are known to the Club Chief Coach to be competent at pony club activities at the level chosen for competition.